Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Malaria and Cholera and Baby Doc! Oh my!

Hello again! Thanks for checking back in! I appreciate all of the emails, financial support, and prayer support! I'm happy to say that I'm fully funded! Thank you for all of your help! 

After talking to friends and family about my upcoming trip to Haiti, the first response I get is often related to the fear of getting sick. “Don’t drink the water!” “Get all your vaccines!” “Be sure to bring antibiotics!” 

On Friday I took my pink malaria prevention pill and I will be bringing along my Z-Pak of antibiotics. I feel invincible. Bring it on germs! Ok, not really…but I do feel somewhat supercharged.

Malaria can be avoided by taking medications before, during, and after exposure in addition to using insect repellant with DEET (diethyl-blah-blah-mosquito-killer). Cholera is avoided by washing your hands, drinking clean water, and avoiding uncooked food. Seems simple enough, right? Luckily, our team comes equipped with some physicians by trade so we’re in safe hands. Besides, God’s watching over us and we know many people at home are praying for us as well.

The most recent news in Haiti seems to be the tension growing as the former dictator, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier, resurfaces and reminds the people of his past tyranny. To be honest, I don’t know much about the details of Duvalier’s brutality except for a few online articles I’ve read to brush up on my Haitian history. I don’t want to get too political (because I’m in no way savvy) but from the horrible stories I’ve come across, he was cruel and I pray the leadership of Haiti falls into better hands.

Well…not much left to say! I’m packing my bags, enjoying my last moments of cleanliness/technology, and getting eager to leave on this adventure. I know without a doubt that God is going to do amazing things on this journey. I look forward to seeing the impact we make in the lives of others and how they will make an impact in ours.

Stay tuned for photos from the trip!