Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last Days in Africa

Wow, can you believe it? I've already been here for 30 days! Time flies! I've done so much and yet it seems like it was just last week that I was stepping off the plane into the heat.

Tomorrow night I leave for France and I can't help but be sad to go. I will never forget the relationships I've formed and look forward to returning to them in the future. The people here are warm and friendly and I look forward to sharing beautiful and meaningful stories with you all when I get home.

Sorry these posts are all so short and without too many details...I promise to make up for it when I return! Thank you all for your prayers and support. I would not have been able to GO on this journey without my SENDERS. So once again, THANK YOU!

God Bless,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

E-mail from Char

This is Chars Dad and she asked me to post this e-mail for all of you to read.

Hello all,

I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to comunicate more often. I've been
busy with great activities! I just got back yesterday from an
overnight trip out in the bush (not TOO far outside of N'Djamena) for
a medical clinic in a small village with Dr. Roy Jones and his wife
Jane. What an amazing experience! Very eye opening.

Before that trip, I was living with Pastor Lago and his wife Micheline
for a week, along with their sons and other family staying with them.
I did a lot of journaling so I will have mtuch to share later about
African culture and family.

I appreciate all of your prayers and have been blessed with minimal
headaches. Also, the swelling in my feet has finally gone down! They
are still slightly sore but they aren't as fat as they have been for
the past 12 days. Praise the Lord. Dr Roy gave me some support
stockings and it has really seemed to help.

Please let others know I am well and that I appreciate their prayers!
The electricity here is sparce so I must go before the generator is
turned off!

God Bless,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Safe and Sound!

Hello all!

I've arrived!! I've been here a few days now and I'm perfectly safe! Praise the Lord! I've been well taken care of and my jet lag is almost gone! I've adjusted somewhat well to the climate (94 to 110 degrees) and my health is great, a few headaches but nothing serious. Please continue to pray that I don't get any migraines!

I wanted to check in with you all however I will not be able to write as often or as detailed as I hoped. For reasons of security, it's best I not blog quite yet about my new adventures. I leave the compound today to live with a local family for a week, very exciting!

Thank you for your prayers and support!
