Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Africa or Bust!

Can you believe it? In less than 24hrs I will be on a plane bound for N’Djamena, Chad! Thank you for all of your prayers and support! Thanks to your financial contributions, I am now 100% supported! What a tremendous blessing!  This trip has already called me to grow and expand my faith as I trust in the Lord for all his provisions.

I am so eager to touch down and just breathe in the hot African air. I know the heat will confirm my arrival and I look forward to starting my journey. Please pray for my health since I won’t be accustomed to the climate, food, and local germs. I’m coming prepared with antibiotics but am hoping to not need them! Once again, similar to Haiti, I will be taking Malaria medications daily as a precaution in addition to my meds for migraines. I feel prepared!

I’ve been told that there will be internet in Chad and I hope I’m able to access my blog to update you all on my adventures! I’m sure I’ll be overflowing with stories and new experiences. Please feel free to email me while I’m abroad, I’d love to hear from you:

I appreciate and love you all tremendously! I must run off to finish packing and preparing for tomorrow!

God Bless,
