Thursday, March 3, 2011

God is good…All the time!

Last week at Golden Hills Community Church we gathered together, prayed, and packed up the cars for the airport. Our second team of short-term missionaries prepared to leave for Haiti and off they went with our prayers for good health, safe travels, and willing hearts. It was wonderful to send off my brothers and sisters knowing they would experience a week filled with abundant growth and Christ’s love. Short-term mission trips allow believers to embrace every moment working in the field and forget the job back home as well as responsibilities that cause stress. (At least that’s what I experience!) Please continue to pray that the Haitians would have open, receptive hearts in addition to a safe journey home for our loved ones (who return this Friday)!  

Jeff & Judy Heath (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
In other news…I began my orientation/training for N'Djamena last Friday! Thankfully, I’ve been blessed to have mentors within our church body who worked in Chad for 7 years. In addition, I had the pleasure of meeting a missionary family (the Heath’s) living in Chad who were in town visiting this past week. What a blessing that turned out to be! I was able to spend some time learning Chadian Arabic with Judy Heath, who is a linguist with Wycliffe. The official languages of Chad are French and Arabic however the majority of people speak Chadian Arabic. Boy, oh boy do I have some work to do!

Up until recently, my trip to Chad has been somewhat conditional. It can be tough getting in touch with people on the other side of the globe and coordinating everyone’s schedule. Also, I’ll be staying with missionaries and want to make sure I come when I can be a blessing in their lives, not a burden. My attitude has been optimistic and hopeful yet cautious in case this isn’t the right time for a voyage to Africa! I’ve prayed for God to open doors and make it very clear if He wants me to go, or slam them shut!
A few days ago, I received an email from the director of The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) with a letter of invitation for my stay. Doors open! She explained that this trip will be an orientation to Chadian culture, history, church, and ministry. There will be many ministry opportunities like: spending time at a rural clinic at Djimtilo (outside of N’Djamena), outreach to prostitutes, and working with AIDS patients. I’m overjoyed and amazed with all the diverse opportunities God is presenting me with. God is good…all the time! 

Can you believe it’s March already!?! To think that I will be leaving within a few weeks sends my mind spinning! I want to thank all of the people who have been praying for me over the last few days/weeks/months. This trip has been an intense faith builder not only because I’m preparing to go alone but because this trip is costly. Praise God for all the support He has provided! Currently, my trip is approximately 50% funded thanks to all of your donations. Please pray that during the next 2-3 weeks I will meet my financial goal! God will provide!  

Please contact me if you’d like to hear more about my upcoming journey! 

