Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Many of you know that I’ve been presented with a unique opportunity to serve in N'Djamena, Chad in Africa this April/May. This is a very special trip because I will be traveling alone (yikes!) and meeting up with other Golden Hills Community Church missionaries as well as members of The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). 
This Fall I start an entry level masters program for Nursing where I will train to become a Nurse Practitioner. How does my education and a trip to Chad coincide? Through my experiences in missions and my love for nursing/helping people, I’ve been struck with the idea of serving overseas when finished with school. This trip will further cement my knowledge of mission work abroad and will give insight to a future career in long-term missions with an emphasis in nursing.

The details for my trip have been confirmed! I leave March 31st for four weeks. This will be a chance for me to really connect with the people and learn about their culture and way of life. God has presented me with a truly unique experience as I will not only be traveling alone but will also be relying on my French language skills to communicate. Luckily, I will have guidance from TEAM and Golden Hills missionaries. I know Christ will use this trip for personal growth because it calls me to be independent and trust in His provisions. 

 I would love to ask you all for prayer support as I continue this journey. Please pray for God’s will during this trip and that I might meet my financial needs (I’m currently 66% funded). If you feel led to give financially, that would be great and much appreciated! However prayer warriors are wonderful too! 

If you would like to donate, please make checks payable to Golden Hills Community Church. In the memo line please write: Charlene Heaston Missions #09. You can either drop it off/mail it to the church at: 

Global Outreach
Golden Hills Community Church
2401 Shady Willow Lane
Brentwood, CA 94513

Thank you all for your prayers in advance! I appreciate the support from family in Christ with missionary hearts!  

